Elevating students to become effective advocates by increasing their ability to be honestly aware about diverse experiences and their impact on perspectives and interests and exposing them to a range of possibilities for achieving fulfillment on their personal and professional journeys with consideration for pathways involving legal and societal influences.

The laws of the United States are tools for analyzing how innumerable issues in our country are perceived and addressed, but analyzing society informs the scale of effectiveness those laws have on creating an America we are proud of. To best prepare for these discussions and the groundbreaking work required to effectuate change no matter how one chooses to serve, a Law and Society Scholar must be willing to do foundational work to become an effective advocate in society. This program serves students majoring in any academic discipline based upon the tenet that advocacy is integrated in everything we do and are as human beings. To effectively serve communities and their constituents, it is imperative to have a mindful process for engaging in the world that reflects a commitment to improving awareness about diverse experiences, deepening understanding about the impact of those experiences, advancing knowledge through the application of learned concepts, and sharing wisdom to elevate society. Through introspection, reflective growth, engagement opportunities, and community connections, our Scholars are the elevated students at Ohio State who become effective advocates in law and society.

Seminar Course
As a required course of enrollment for First Year (1Y) Scholars during their first semester, students shall learn the foundational framework of becoming an effective advocate. Several tools are used to achieve learning objectives: (1) workbook milestones, (2) reading assignments and class discussions based on a selected book, and (3) a legal case study and group project presentation. First, in support of the Honors & Scholars Center and its implementation of the H&S Workbook through PebblePad and ePortfolio, 1Y Scholars engage in the digital documentation of their Buckeye journey by completing four (4) of six (6) program milestones as digital assets in an independent PebblePad resource entitled, “LS Scholars Framework Workbook.” Law and Society Scholars can share elements of their Seminar coursework to fulfill the requirements of their H&S Workbook. Second, the Program Manager selects a non-fiction book that explores pertinent topics that elevate discussions about advocacy. Third, Scholars shall participate in a legal case study based on a criminal case previously litigated by the Program Manager. Scholars explore one aspect of the legal profession in roles as mock defense attorneys or mock prosecutors, develop case strategies in their respective teams, and negotiate a resolution for final presentation in class. Finally, it is important to note that Seminar curriculum influences how Scholars develop their second-year project and presentation.
First Year Requirements
To successfully complete year one as an LS Scholar and advance to year two of the LS Scholars Program, a First-Year Scholar (1Y) must:
- Complete and pass the required first-semester Seminar Course,
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA average,
- Attend the Annual Time + Change Second Year Scholars Conference, AND
- Maintain a record of active participation and earn 48 participation points throughout the first academic year by attending community meetings designated as either:
- Mandatory engagements worth 3 points each OR
- Optional engagements worth 1.5 points each.
Second Year Requirements
Second-Year Scholars (2Y) are encouraged to remain connected with their LSS Community, but with less in-person requirements to encourage advanced engagement academically and socially, on campus, within local communities, and external to Ohio. Some 2Y Scholars take advantage of leadership opportunities within the Program by volunteering as a member of the Leadership Council (see Community section). To successfully complete year two as an LS Scholar, a Second-Year Scholar must:
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA average,
- Develop and engage in a reflective service project and present reflections at the Annual Time + Change Second-Year Scholars Conference during Spring semester, AND
- Maintain a record of active participation and earn 30 participation points throughout the second academic year by attending community meetings designated as either:
- Mandatory engagements worth 3 points each OR
- Optional engagements worth 1.5 points each.
Successful completion of the Law and Society Scholars Program as a 2Y Scholar guarantees a:
- Certificate of Achievement as a Time + Change Conference presenter,
- Certificate of Completion from the Law and Society Scholars Program,
- Scholars graduation cord with a custom charm engraved with “Honors & Scholars, Law & Society Scholars,” AND
- Recorded designation as “Scholars” on official transcript
Third and Fourth Year Requirements
Third- and Fourth-Year students often continue their LSS Program involvement by serving on the Leadership Council as an Executive Leader, Committee Chair, Committee Member and/or Mentor. There are always opportunities to share ongoing experiences with newer LS Scholars and support them on their Buckeye journeys. Many LS Scholars benefit from ongoing connection to the Program beyond the two-year requirement by elevating their leadership development, professional competencies, and networking opportunities.
Events and Activities

Signature Events
The Annual Time + Change Second-Year Scholars Conference: This two-day collaborative experience is curated with the International Affairs Scholars Program. Scholars in both programs share a presentation that reflects upon their Scholars journey, an area of advocacy or service they chose to explore, and the impact of their experiences on their future endeavors. Serving as a conference presenter is an exclusive opportunity to demonstrate service and advocacy achievement through time and change while practicing how to share their unique story.
Professional Development Workshops: Offered during day one of the Conference, this is an opportunity for Scholars to participate in workshops led by fellow Scholars and/or Program Managers on topics such as resume writing, personal branding strategy, and networking skills development.
Field-Day Welcome Event for 1Y Scholars and Mentors: This event serves as the first official community meeting of the academic year and celebrates incoming Scholars as they begin their Buckeye journeys by separating them into teams to compete in field-day events and Ohio State trivia! Upper-class Scholars designated as leaders and mentors in the Program are assigned to different teams to connect and elevate excitement for the year.
Build OSU: Make iconic Ohio State landmarks out of recyclable materials and craft supplies. This engagement encourages teamwork, diverse perspectives, and helps develop Buckeye affinity.
Campus Scavenger Hunt: A unique way to familiarize yourself with your new home by racing against the clock to decipher clues, visit campus landmarks and important spaces, and photograph your experience. This engagement fuels healthy competition and fosters genuine connection.
The Law and Society Scholars and International Affairs Scholars Programs travel annually to Washington, D.C. for a Scholars in the District experiential learning opportunity. Each year during fall break, Scholars can invest in this opportunity which includes a speaker panels conference and networking with OSU alumni engaged in diverse professions, an introduction to OSU’s Washington Academic Internship Program (WAIP) by meeting current students and engaging in an evening of learning and networking with local professionals, on-site visits to local agencies and offices involved in government, advocacy, policy, law, and international relations, and independent exploration and cultural immersion in the nation’s capital.
Additional travel opportunities are more locally focused and may include:
- Visits to the Ohio Statehouse and Franklin County Common Pleas Court
- Explore OSU and Explore Columbus Days
- Moritz College of Law tour
- Relevant site visits based on ongoing interests of Scholar cohorts

Community Meetings
Upper-class Scholars volunteer as members of the Law & Society Scholars Leadership Council to collaboratively imagine, plan, and host Tuesday community engagements based on their respective committee assignments including Buckeye Engagement & Affinity, Service & Advocacy, Social through Community, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Some engagements are designed to simply bring Scholars together to connect, relax, and have fun, while others may encourage critical thinking, civil discourse and dialogue, and/or exploration of experiential learning opportunities. Throughout the academic year, Scholars earn attendance credit towards their participation requirements.
Leadership Council
LS Scholars become eligible to volunteer on the Law and Society Scholars Leadership Council (LSS LC) after completing first-semester seminar. Volunteering entitles Scholars to engage in advanced opportunities to: support and shape the mission of the LSS Program, develop leadership skills and awareness, plan and host community meetings, and serve fellow Scholars by sharing their time, talents, and treasures. This is an excellent opportunity to practice and advance leadership skills and strengthen competencies for career and professional goals. Involvement also offers your Program Manager insight to your strengths and exceptionalities which provide perspective for future recommendations. Opportunities include executive positions, committee chairs, committee members, and/or mentors to 1Y Scholars and ambassadors of the Program.
Residential Requirement

First-year Law and Society Scholars students live together in Smith-Steeb Hall.
The residential community is an important element of the Scholars experience, and is required for all students with the exception of commuter students. Space in the prescribed residence hall is subject to availability, and while Scholars are given housing priority, space is not guaranteed and students may be placed in other accommodations due to program demand if necessary.
All Scholars
While each of the 16 Scholars Programs builds experiences for students around its unique theme, students benefit from shared Scholars experiences. All Scholars Programs:
- Are open to students of any major.
- Feature a first-year residential community.
- Have a first-year seminar course.
- Are led by an experienced full-time professional Program Manager.
- Are academically-driven communities with a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 to participate.
- Have a student leadership council, offering leadership opportunities, community programming, and service projects.