Workbooks are a series of structured activities or collated Templates designed to guide learners through learning experiences in PebblePad. The H&S Workbook is created exclusively for H&S students, incorporating some of their signature learning and co-curricular experiences for them to reflect, make meaning, and share their knowledge and skills.

What does the workbook consist of?
The Workbook consists of five key components, which are scaffolded and designed for students to expand on their reflections from previous years and showcase their achievements.
About Me
Students will create pages using guided prompts to articulate who they are in regard to their personal, academic, professional, and community identities. Students will use the “Get Creative” feature to create a page from scratch. These pages will be iterative, and students are expected to create new versions each year.
See an About Me Page example here
End of Year Reflection Templates
Each year, students will complete an end-of-year reflection template with prompts and questions that map onto H&S programmatic goals and proficiencies as well articulate and reevaluate their goals for the upcoming year. Students are also expected to provide evidence of an academic or co-curricular accomplishment (e.g., exam, essay, presentation, project) and provide a brief rationale for why it represents an achievement from their past year.
- See an End of Year 1 Reflection example here
G.O.A.L.S. Reflections
G.O.A.L.S. are unique programmatic elements of being an Ohio State H&S student. After their first year, students will complete guided reflection templates on each of the G.O.A.L.S. areas and articulate the significance of these G.O.A.L.S. in their academic and personal development. G.O.A.L.S. reflections are meant to be scaffolded to assist students in creating more robust, deepened reflections included in their My H&S ePortfolio.
My H&S ePortfolio
This is your opportunity to tell your story about what experiences, knowledge, or skills you have gained during your time as an H&S student. You may choose to build upon themes you've already reflected on (e.g., G.O.A.L.S. areas), build a career portfolio to demonstrate your skills, provide journey map for future H&S students, show evidence of your academic growth, or develop a portfolio for another purpose. Students are expected to create and share their H&S ePortfolio in their third year or later.
Future Thinking and Planning Template
As a culminating reflection opportunity, students will students will complete a reflection template that asks them to describe their experience as an H&S student, articulate the plans they have for after graduation, as well as describe the steps they will take to realize their goals and plans. The future thinking and planning template reflection will be available in their final year.
How do I claim my H&S Workbook?
For instructions about how to claim your H&S Workbook, click on this instructional guide from OTDI.
Please note, these instructions reference claiming a GE Launch Workbook. You will claim one titled H&S Workbook.