Office of Academic Enrichment Honors and Scholars Center

Health Sciences Scholars

Health Science Scholars and Brutus

The Health Sciences Scholars Program develops and supports a community of high-ability undergraduate students interested in health-related majors and careers through opportunities to explore interest areas, learn about career options, and serve together at Ohio State and beyond.

First Year

The first year in HSS allows students to explore their future health-related career interests surrounded by peers with similar goals and motivation. 

Utilizing the H&S G.O.A.L.S. as a framework, after completing the first year of the HSS program, a student will be able to:

  • Identify and access campus organizations, events, and study abroad opportunities relating to global health issues
  • Recognize societal issues that affect public health worldwide
  • Effectively approach faculty members to express interest in getting involved with new and ongoing research projects
  • Identify and search for undergraduate research opportunities at The Ohio State University and beyond
  • Understand the importance of research involvement as it relates to future graduate and professional school aspirations in health and related fields
  • Determine a potential major and secondary path of study associated with health and related fields
  • Utilize individual Holland code to explore majors at Ohio State that align with an intended health or related career of interest
  • Develop a professional resume and list of references specific to individual research, internship, and employment opportunities
  • Reach out to faculty and administrators to appropriately ask for letters of recommendation
  • Recognize positive traits of successful leaders in health and related fields
  • Identify and begin to engage in opportunities that will develop positive leadership traits
  • Consider how poverty and related societal issues that affect those seeking healthcare
  • Understand different types of service and how they benefit a community and society
Second Year

The second year in HSS supports students as they define their academic path at Ohio State by encouraging engagement in activities to supplement coursework that promote personal and professional development toward a career in the health sciences.

HSS students engage in the H&S G.O.A.L.S. with more autonomy in the second year. Students participate in various experiences and events relating to each of the individual G.O.A.L.S. and reflect upon them throughout the year as a part of their Second Year expectations. The G.O.A.L.S. provide a framework for understanding student involvement as a holistic college experience.

Examples of fulfilling the G.O.A.L.S.:

  • Attending Taste of OSU event
  • Participating in the Global Health Initiative at Ohio State
  • Engaging in undergraduate research; presenting at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
  • Listening to a faculty member speak about their research efforts at Ohio State
  • Going to the Graduate and Professional School Fair
  • Attending a Personal Statement Workshop to prepare for upcoming graduate and professional school applications
  • Being a Buckeye Buddy in the Buckeye Buddies mentoring program for first-year HSS students
  • Hold a leadership position in a student organization of interest
  • Participating in LeaderShape
  • Students must engage in a Second Year Major Service Project through which they complete 40+ hours of community service throughout the year with a single organization or within a common theme
Third and Fourth Years

Third and Fourth Years are not required to participate in HSS events or service requirements, however, many choose to participate in the following activities to remain active in the program:

  • Personal Statement Workshop to prepare for upcoming graduate/professional school applications
  • Buckeye Buddies mentoring program
  • Apply to be a member of the HSS Leadership Council
  • Attend All-HSS events, such as the Welcome Back BQQ or end-of-year Send Off Soiree event
  • Utilize office hours or set up separate meetings with Scholars Coordinator or GAA to discuss future goals, current issues, or go over application materials including: resumes, cover letters, personal statements, essays, and discussing interview strategies



Health Sciences Scholars have the opportunity to engage with faculty, staff, and community leaders inside and outside of the classroom. The programs offered compliment what students are learning in the classroom and offer personal connection that other students do not find.

Seminar Course

First year Health Sciences Scholars will take a seminar course to explore personal interests, interdisciplinary opportunities, campus and local community resources, and global and national health sciences issues related to their Scholars program. Through the sessions and assignments in this course, students will:

  • Understand the expectations and benefits of being a Health Sciences Scholar
  • Identify academic and career interests through self-assessment
  • Explore current issues relating to healthcare in the U.S. and beyond
  • Learn to navigate campus resources and opportunities related to the health sciences
  • Develop a close relationship with the Health Sciences Scholars Program staff and other Scholars students
  • Understand the five G.O.A.L.S. of the University Honors & Scholars Center

Content covered in the seminar​ includes:

  • Health-related topics: health literacy, global health, motivations for service and serving in health-related fields, interdisciplinary healthcare, getting involved with research at Ohio State
  • Professional-development topics: writing a strong resume, building relationships with faculty members, how to ask for a letter of recommendation
  • Personal-development topics: self-assessment to connect interests with potential majors and careers, transitioning to college and balancing academics with life outside of the classroom
Clustered Courses

Utilizing priority scheduling all Scholars students are provided, many HSS students choose to "self-cluster" their courses after the first semester; these often include science courses such as General Chemistry 1220 in spring semester of the first year and Organic Chemistry 2510 & 2520 during the sophomore year.


Health Sciences Scholars students on a trip

Events and Activities

HSS students have the opportunity to participate in multiple experiences both on and off campus that relate to exploration of the healthcare field.

Signature Programs
  • Dine with the Department Series - Faculty and staff from across the University join HSS weekly during Autumn semester for an informal dinner and dialogue at the Kennedy Commons dining hall. Guests include graduate and professional school representatives from the Colleges of Dentistry, Nursing, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Public Health, and Veterinary Medicine to answer student questions about developing a strong application and the types of experiences one might participate in while at Ohio State.  Representatives from undergraduate majors such as Medical Dietetics, Public Health, Radiologic Sciences, Respiratory Therapy, and any of the Biological Sciences also meet with students to discuss benefits of the major and future career options.
  • Annual Spring Trip - HSS students have the opportunity to take a three-day, two-night trip with friends to visit health-related organizations. Previous trips include visiting the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA, touring the Nursing Simulation Laboratories of the University of Toronto, Ontario, and seeing the BODIES Exhibit in New York City, NY.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate/Professional Student Panels - HSS students benefit from learning about "what's next" from those living it, be they upperclassmen or graduate/professional students. These range from a research panel to discover the best ways to get involved with research to a laid-back discussion of what graduate/professional school is like and how students balance academics and life in general.
  • Local Trips - ​Clippers games (Columbus' Minor League baseball team), Zoo Lights at the Columbus Zoo, and The Wilds


Health Sciences Scholars students at a Clippers game


Each Scholars Program features a first-year residential community that provides students with a peer-network of high-ability students with similar interests. First-year Health Sciences Scholars students are given priority to live together in Park-Stradley Hall.** Commuters are welcome to be a part of our Scholars programs.

**Please note that space in the prescribed residence halls is not guaranteed and students can be placed in other accommodations due to program demand if necessary.

Community Meetings

​During the Spring semester, First Years meet monthly to discuss hot topics in healthcare and their own professional development in the healthcare field.

Mentorship Program

HSS has two mentorship programs: Summer Sidekicks and Buckeye Buddies.

  • Summer Sidekicks – This program connects all incoming First Years with an upperclassman to answer questions and alleviate any concerns about coming to Ohio State prior to Move-In Weekend.
  • HSS Buckeye Buddies – This program allows for interested First Years to be paired with enthusiastic upperclassmen to meet with on a monthly basis. This relationship allows First Years to learn more about their intended majors, organizations with which to get involved on campus, and about the Columbus area.
Leadership Council

The HSS Leadership Council is comprised of 13 current students. Students apply at the end of fall semester which allows First Year students the opportunity to begin serving the HSS community in their second semester at Ohio State. Students may serve on the executive board or on the academic, social, or service committees creating relevant programming for the HSS community while gaining the skills to become an effective leader in the healthcare field.

Service Opportunities
  • First Years – Complete 40 hours of service over the course of their first year at Ohio State; students are encouraged to explore multiple service options to identify a potential site for the Second Year Major Service Project.
  • ​Second Years – Complete a 40-hour service project with one organization or under one theme. This allows students to delve deeper by building relationships with the organization and learning the social concerns affecting a particular population. This service could be related to future career interests, such as being a Student Ambassador at the Wexner Medical Center, to personal interests such as working with children or underserved populations in the community.​


Park-Stradley Hall


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