Office of Academic Enrichment

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Environment and Natural Resources Scholars

The Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Scholars Program enables students with a passion for environmental change to collaborate and grow together in a close-knit family of students with similar interests.

The ENR Scholars Program focuses on environmental issues in our society and using innovative thinking to solve these problems. Students will be introduced to a variety of campus and community resources related to leadership, service, study abroad, internships, careers, and research.

First Year

In the first year of the ENR Scholars Program, students will form a basis of understanding about environmental issues and possible solutions to these issues. Students will connect with their peers, faculty members, and environmental professionals to think about these issues. They will also participate in hands-on activities, recreational opportunities, and service projects to connect them with the natural world.

Second Year

In the second year of the ENR Scholars Program, students will continue to explore environmental issues, but with more of a critical eye. Students will be expected to become more individually connected to their interest in the environment through involvement in student organizations, leadership activities, and service projects outside of ENR Scholars.



ENR Scholars Seminar will introduce first year students to the themes of environmental issues, sustainability, wildlife management, ecosystem restoration, and much more.​

Students will learn how to think critically about environmental issues and create innovative solutions to these issues. Students will also learn about resources on and off of campus rel​ated to environmental sustainability that they can use to further their interest in the environment.

​​​Topics in the seminar class include, but are not limited to, the Zero Waste program at OSU, research at Byrd Polar Research Center, wildlife conservation at the Columbus Zoo, renewable energy, sustainable building design, environmental careers, and much more.

Clustered Courses

Students may choose to "self-cluster" themselves in General Education courses by simply scheduling the same classes at the same time.

Common Majors
  • Environment & Natural Resources Majors
  • Biology
  • Zoology
  • Engineering
  • Exploration


ENR Image

Events and Activities

The ENR Scholars participate in multiple experiences both on and off campus.

Signature Programs
  • First Year Camping Trip - All 1st year ENR Scholars will travel to Hocking Hills State Park for a weekend long camping trip together. They will participate in team building activities, hike in the park, cook over the campfire, and bond with their fellow ENR Scholars!
  • Fall Backpacking Trip – Students have the opportunity to learn backpacking with a 3-4 day trip to Dolly Sods Wilderness in West Virginia.
  • Tours of local environmental facilities - Students will have the opportunity to visit places like Byrd Polar Research Center, Chadwhick Arboretum, the Insectary, and the Columbus Zoo.
  • Second Year Canoeing Trip - Second year students have the opportunity to go on a canoeing trip with their peers.


ENR Fire Image


Each Scholars Program features a first-year residential community that provides students with a peer-network of high-ability students with similar interests. First-year Environment and Natural Resources Scholars students are given priority to live together in Morrill Tower on West Campus.**  Commuters are welcome to be a part of our Scholars programs.

**Please note that space in the prescribed residence halls is not guaranteed and students can be placed in other accommodations due to program demand if necessary.

All Scholars Meetings

First and second year students will participate in regular community meetings together.

ENR Scholar Families

All first and second-year students are organized into families based on interests for events, hang-outs, and activities.

Leadership Councils

The ENR Scholars Leadership Council is composed of approximately 5 first year and 5 second year students who assist in planning of themed events, social events, and service events.


Students will help Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed and the OSU wetlands facility clean-up the river, remove invasive honeysuckle, and plant new trees. Students also have the opportunity to participate in other community service events not related to the environment that can be counted toward their service hours for ENR Scholars. 


Morrill Tower


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