The International Affairs Scholars Program provides academic, professional development, social and community building, and service-learning opportunities for students with interdisciplinary interests in international affairs, global politics, history, culture, languages, and diversity.

Scholars participate in both on-campus and off-campus events with a global focus, and are actively engaged in the wider Columbus community through a variety of city and nonprofit partnerships. Opportunities for IA Scholar students include cultural and social excursions throughout the city of Columbus, academic, social, service, and professional development programming and events, access to an upper-class peer mentor, connections to globally focused resources both on and off campus, and alumni engagement.

International Affairs Scholars have the opportunity to engage with faculty, staff, and community leaders inside and outside of the classroom. The programs offered compliment what students are learning in the classroom and offer personal connection that other students do not find.
Seminar Course
First-Year International Affairs Scholars are required to enroll in the IA Scholars Seminar (ARTSSCI 1120.04), a one-credit course that introduces students to the field of international affairs and the IA Scholars program. The course fosters awareness of global issues, critical thinking, and the interconnectedness of local and global challenges through discussions, reflective assignments, and group projects.
Students engage with on-campus resources, explore service leadership opportunities, and connect with mentors within the IA community, building relationships with peers, teaching assistants, and the Program Manager. Course topics include global citizenship, current events, and integrating international affairs with academic and professional goals. Assignments encourage deeper engagement with the IA program, the campus and local communities, and the global community while cultivating a commitment to global citizenship and service leadership.
Events and Activities

International Affairs Scholars have the opportunity to participate in multiple experiences both on and off campus.
Signature Events
The International Affairs Scholars Program (IA) hosts several events and programs throughout the year to connect students with each other through social activities, excursions throughout the city of Columbus, documentary nights, and informal gatherings. IA Scholars also have the opportunity to connect with program alumni in various fields; IA Scholars also have the opportunity to connect with a peer mentor and teaching assistant for additional support.
Professional Development
A goal of the program is to make students aware of the vast career opportunities in the international field. Professionals with international job experience are invited to campus to meet with International Affairs Scholars students. Students are encouraged to dialogue with these professionals to gain insight on preparing for an international career, choosing a career, as well as learning about internships available to them as undergraduate students. Past guest speakers have come from a variety of fields including international business, international law, development work, international diplomacy, and international journalism just to name a few.

The International Affairs Scholars Program is more than just a living-learning community—it’s a space where we integrate the head, heart, and hand into our learning. As IA Scholars, we don’t just analyze global challenges; we connect them to our values, empathy, and actions, applying knowledge to real-world situations in meaningful ways. This holistic approach is challenging, but it’s also what makes our community transformative.
Together, we celebrate the harmony in our diversity, embracing open dialogue and learning from one another to build a better world.
IA Scholars are especially encouraged to serve the local Columbus community through a variety of service projects. Our program currently has partnerships with several nonprofit organizations throughout the city of Columbus that IA Scholars can become involved in. IA Scholars also attend numerous cultural events throughout the year, including festivals, concerts, sporting events, and other activities with an international and/or global focus.
Residential Requirement

First-year International Affairs Scholars students live together in Smith-Steeb Hall.
The residential community is an important element of the Scholars experience, and is required for all students with the exception of commuter students. Space in the prescribed residence hall is subject to availability, and while Scholars are given housing priority, space is not guaranteed and students may be placed in other accommodations due to program demand if necessary.
All Scholars
While each of the 16 Scholars Programs builds experiences for students around its unique theme, students benefit from shared Scholars experiences. All Scholars Programs:
- Are open to students of any major.
- Feature a first-year residential community.
- Have a first-year seminar course.
- Are led by an experienced full-time professional Program Manager.
- Are academically-driven communities with a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 to participate.
- Have a student leadership council, offering leadership opportunities, community programming, and service projects.