Office of Academic Enrichment

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ePortfolio Resources

The General Education curriculum has a structured pathway for every Ohio State student to incorporate reflective learning in an individualized ePortfolio throughout their undergraduate experience. An ePortfolio is both a product and a process. It is a product of students’ work: an online collection for students to showcase key assignments, such as essays, photographs, video, presentations, graphics, achievements, and skillsets. It also represents the process behind learning, in which a student reflects on their learning over time and integration of learning across contexts and learning experiences (e.g., internships, education abroad, service-learning, courses, research).

Students apart of the University Honors Program and Ohio State Scholars program have access to a custom-designed Workbook within their ePortfolio. 

The Honors and Scholars Workbook

The Honors and Scholars Workbook features templates and special prompts that ask students to reflect on their learning and showcase their achievements. The Honors and Scholars Workbook is intended to support students in engaging with the ePortfolio process regularly throughout their years at Ohio State. There are several components to this special that students will be complete over time, such as: 

  • About Me 
  • End of Year Reflections 
  • GOALS reflections 
  • Future Thinking and Goals 

In their second GE Bookend course, Reflection, students will revisit their work and reflections in their ePortfolio, bringing all their learning together from their time at Ohio State into a showcase Honors or Scholars Portfolio. For Honors students, this process helps fulfill the Honors Standards. 

Faculty can be instrumental in supporting students in maintaining regular interaction with their ePortfolio, by directing students to complete portions of the Honors and Scholars Workbook that are relevant to a particular course or align with goals for student learning. 


In support of this ePortfolio initiative, Ohio State has adopted PebblePad, an application to develop ePortfolios and manage evidence of reflection, learning, assessment, and professional development. PebblePad is used in the GE program and instructors are encouraged to use it as well.  You can learn more about PebblePad at Ohio State at this link. 

ePortfolio Resources 

Honors and Scholars Workbook- Student Resources

TLRC- ePortfolios in the Curriculum

TLRC- PebblePad