Office of Academic Enrichment Honors and Scholars Center

Scholars Community

As a Scholars student you will be required to live in the Scholars residence hall with the Scholars students in your particular program during your first year unless you are a commuting Central Ohio resident. 

However, students may be placed in other accommodations if necessary due to program demand or density requirements. Commuter students are exempt from this requirement. Please note that Scholars students will be unable to preference a roommate outside of their particular Scholars program. 

Scholars residence halls:

  • ​Foster a strong sense of community
  • Provide a peer network of high-ability students who are successful in balancing involvement in academic and social activities
  • Offer access to other Scholars students with similar interests – making it easier to find other students to go to class with and form study groups
  • Scholars Coordinators meet regularly with Scholars residence hall directors and frequently participate in residence hall programs
  • Opportunities for involvement in residence hall government

Scholars Program Locations for Academic Year 2022-2023